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Thursday, March 01, 2007

spring snow

a snow day!
the day before spring break? ...there's something really wrong with that.

oh well!

spring break to do list:

play trumpet
write music
play music
turner classic film young composers contest
play with logic pro
clean my apartment
help josh build instruments
see doc severinsen
play trumpet
stay warm
be happy

Monday, February 26, 2007

better luck next time.

today i did a couple really stupid/embarrasing and possibly quite nasty things. Someone might appreciate reading them. might make you feel a little more smart/considerate or sweet.


someone returned an interlibrary loan today and looking at it more closely i realized i spelt their name "dummer" instead of "dumann". it would have been nice to catch that before giving it to them, instead of after they gave it back.

well played, julia. well played.
i'm a sad excuse for a librarian.


i was changing for wellness and started chatting with this little blind girl who was arriving for her swimming lesson. she was very sweet and boldly asked me who i was when she heard me shuffling around. then, as i headed out of the change rooms i said, quite ignorantly, "see you later!"

she said it right back to me, but it sounded more like "yeah, seeeeeee you later!" she didn't see me blush.

happy monday!

Thursday, December 28, 2006

when in december.

movie of the night: scoop.
a much delayed viewing on my part. i've been meaning to see it for ages.
absolutely adorable! i love scarlette just as much as the last person, but woody really stole my heart this time. i love him really, with all due respect, he's a really beautiful person. he's a credit to his race. clever murder mystery plot and an endearing story of friendship. but really, who wouldn't want to befriend woody allen! "are you crazy?"

music of the night: tin hat trio. the book of silk.
a fantastic album! a mix of most of my favourite instruments; banjo, accordion, tuba, violin, guitar, whistling, etc. if i ever move to minneapolis i'll work on convincing them they need a trumpet player! bwahaha. the album is full of beautiful and eerie melodies, and just when you feel quite chilled and apprehensive the warm guitar arrives in track 14 and the tender lullaby of 15 as if to reassure you that its not all cold out there. thanks to the multiple friends who dropped the name of this group and planted the seed and to josh who finally put it in my hands. i love it.

the time of night: half past midnight.
i'm writing to pass the time in a desperate attempt to stay awake late enough to hang out with friends of the night crawling variety.

advice of the night: avoid airplanes at all costs.
and if you can't avoid planes, avoid airports in the middle of the night, and trying to sleep in them through the night for the sole purpose of waiting for a cancelled flight first thing in the morning. an easier way of avoiding planes is avoiding plains that you need to catch planes to go to and from. you should learn from my mistakes, for i do not take my own advice; but really, boats are better.

slice of the night: pumpkin pie.
'nuff said.

sleep tight.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

no rest for the weary.

this week in pummeling me with things to do. so much work! so little time!
but for once, half of it is stuff that i love!

georgette (aka tara martin and i) is back at it again! making music with 10 times more enthusiasm then before and 20 times the productivity.

i am proud to announce our first show will be on october 11th at the red rooster. if you live near by, i suggest you show up and have a good time. what else would you do on a wednesday night?

Sunday, September 17, 2006

chillingly splendid.

there is something so wonderful about the cold.

i took off this evening on my bike and the crisp air filling my lungs was so refreshing. my body fought off the night's chill to keep itself warm, a battle so rewarding to win. now i can cuddle into my cozy little hobbit hole, content knowing that i have accomplished something.

for tonight, i have battled the elements and come out victorious.

i fear not the bitter cold of winter to come!

it is easy to stay warm without warm things around you.
even if they are miles away.

another splendidly chilling thing is "black dahlia." despite the complaints by fellow onlookers that it spread to far from the actual events, i think it was an extremely well done film. it was not quite as scary as i expected, though parts made my skin crawl, and i was also pleasantly surprised by mr. hartnett's performance. i've never been a huge fan. the beautiful soundrack can also not go unmentioned. i highly recommend this film.

i also recommend you start a new pandora radio station today. i can tell their collection is growing. i found a number of magical gems on my final fantasy station today.

stay warm,

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

north of the boarder.

rumor has it bluetooth is coming out with a new wireless kite.
i can dig it.

in other news:
let's fill in the gaps of my hole-some blogging. i'd better jump back on the wagon before i fall too far behind and give up altogether.

.˙ two words: madison wisconsin.
the pictures are still trapped on my computer at the repair shop but envision this, 30 000 people in red and white, cheering at the tops of their lungs, and me, little julia, clinging to her trumpet for fear of dropping it due to extreme shaking knee syndrome. intense.

.˙ international trumpet guild convention.
again, a little nervous playing in front the pickiest trumpet crowd you could find. but the result? everyone loved it! it was wild!
"NSU, is that in New York?" "No, South Dakota, actually." [cue jaw hitting floor.] "Oh wow, you're all masters students there?" "No, we're actually all undergrads." [clunk] "Is there a doctor in the house?"

ok, so that is enough over-the-top bragging. i'm sorry. it's just been an exciting semester.

.˙ i've been inspired to write some music. ever read the mysteries of harris burdick? its a kids book by chris van allsberg and its reeeaaally wonderful. so head to your local library and track it down. anyways, i have a long term goal of writing a series, perhaps album, inspired by the book. two songs are started and i've got a bunch of ideas on the burner. its been awhile since i've been writing.

.˙ i also work at the local library now.

.˙ i've got my own apartment now in aberdeen. murder mystery house warming party coming soon!

.˙ more currently however, i am at home, and it is a beautiful life i am living here, however temporary it may be.

.˙ most importantly, next week i will become... A WARRIOR! i'm picturing myself as like, the girl version of john lock... meets xena, warrior princess... meets transformers... yeah. i'll be a changed girl when you see me next.

the bottom line is there is a lot going on in my life, some of it so exciting and tender my rambling blog isn't worthy. i hate these "ketchup" blogs. rambling, uninteresting, cruelly in-cohesive, and dull. its a good thing no one reads them.

es ist liebe,

Sunday, April 09, 2006

kneeling days.

one might think that i have been in germany all this time,
but i have not.

the trip was a burst of freedom from routine and resposibility, nonchalant galavanting and aimless wandering through the streets of a fascinating city. there was miscommunication in excess and not nearly enough of my brother because of his long work days. just to spend a bit of time with him was a blessing still. it's a wonder how i ever thought i hated my brother way back in the day.

here is a peak into my excursion through photos and excerpts from my travel log.

03/05/06 19.06h
"when fliying i never feel quite real. the houses become far too small, the street lamps become stars, and one can see the sun set that has already set. pg 6 of high fidelity and double mint gum."

03/06/06 14.40h
"realism has continued to fade as the illusion of time dissipates. i caught up to the sunrise much quicker then expected and lost my chance to sleep at night. my nose ran all over the plane on the 8 hour flight to amsterdam..."

03/06/06 16.30h
"arrive berlin. the first to welcome me was a little red fox when the plane landed. window seat, yeah. the second was the un-arrival of my suitcase. it is still in minneapolis. i told you so, mom!"

03/07/06 13.51h
"...turkish market on maybauch strauss. fresh produce, lots of fabric, dried fruit + nuts, and random mass produced clothing products. odd.
"...i did however find what cam refers to as 'crack chicken.' not quite as good as he made it out, but a decent lunch none the less."

03/09/06 15.52 h.
"today it is snowing in berlin. although the snow is simply beautiful, my morale has taken a tumble for other reasons. to satisfy a growling belly i tucked into a cute crepe shop. after a delicious cherry crepe, darjeeling tea, and german tin tin comic, i stupidly trundled off without paying. i was chased out to my own embarrassment, by a girl making obnoxious hand motions and yelling in broken english. it should have been easy to brush off and chuckle about, but the glaring eyes have made my mood plummet and the grey clouds look a bit more sinister.
"...the berlin dome was spectacular, although part of me wishes i had some religion to make the visit a bit deeper. the other part can't help but think religion is so gaudy, excuse the pun."

03/11/06 1.17 h.
"early morning berlin. sleep calls but i met gin and tonic tonight. they both wound me up and i won't sleep for hours. the liars were wild and an incredibly tight show, despite our late arrival and being buried at the back of 'white trash fast food. these guys were a raucous noise rock trio with an amazing wet suit clad drummer. i loved it. white trash was crazy; upstairs a maze of stairs and levels, and downstairs a sinister cave, complete with artificial rock walls and ceilings and a dramatic red velvet drape to envelope the band.
"... i lost my coat check ticket in typical julia style, so i'll go back tomorrow and pick it up when there isn't such a huge crowd...
"... cameron's drink of choice (g+t) and cigarettes (french style) over fajitas (the best i've ever had) warmed my coatless shoulders."

03/11/06 19.30 h.
"fuck. my coat isn't there. how freaking typical! the last trip it was my holga! i'm such a flake."

03/14/06 12.00 h.
"there has been coat shopping and exploring galore. i found a neighborhood with the most incredible graffiti. i've seen the golden penis horse twice now. i can't believe i'm leaving so soon.
"... man. i loved that coat."

much has been going on since berlin, as well. i will fill you in soon!